Perhentian Island



What can you know about PERHENTIAN ISLAND? Before you going for a vacation, lets take a look at some information about this beautiful island! Perhentian Island was located at East Coast of Malaysia which is Kuala Terengganu. Perhentian Island are two island named Pulau Perhentian Kecil and Pulau Perhentian Besar. Usually Perhentian Kecil attract more visitor as it has cheaper accommodation while Perhentian Besar a little bit expensive since it is suitable for families and people that wanted some privacy. The best time to go to Perhentian Island was between the beginnings of June until the late of October. Outside this period the sea will be very rough and it is not safe to the visitor to enjoy and create a splendid moment. Furthermore, most accommodation are closed and please do not believe travel agencies when they claimed the accommodation is open. Plan your trip, read and observe and enjoy your holiday.  



  • Perhentian Kecil

Most backpacker prefers to stay around Perhentian Kecil since it has a cheaper price than Perhentian Besar. As for me, I choose to stay in Perhentian Kecil since I am going there with some of my friend and we wanted to have fun and enjoy listening to the live band near to our resort.  The most popular destination in Perhentian Kecil is in Pasir Panjang on the eastern coast of Perhentian Kecil where private chalet with fan, electricity and bathroom can start at 50myr. However, you need to be prepare with the noise from bar and this place was suitable for backpacker not for a family. These are the suggestion places that you can go and check in : 

Here are the picture of a resort that I have check in before in Perhentian Kecil.
This place was cool and it is also cheaper, The price was less than RM200, it is suitable for
everybody but if you need some privacy i suggest you to look at some
luxury resort in Perhentian Besar

This is the other choice for you to check in especially for a backpacker.
This is located at Perhentian Kecil


  • Perhentian Besar

Hello people!  Due to the noise and basic accommodation in Perhentian Kecil, visitor can get away from it all and head to Perhentian Besar for a better accommodation. I bet you will be more satisfied to be in Perhentian Besar. A for me, I would to check in here once I get to Perhentian Island for my second time. Yuhuu! It is more private but the price range would be a bit expensive that starting from 150myr and up but why boarder if you want such a beautiful moment with your love one right? For your information, the resort was located from the northern Teluk Pauh. Here are some places that you go. Check it out !

How amazing was this resort right? Don't you feel like to be there right now?
This is Alunan Resort in Perhentian Besar one of the luxury place to stay
Here are some information about this resort
Click here


Okay readers, if you are wondering what can you do in Perhentian Island please relax because it offer you a plenty of activities there! You just need to pay and enjoy you trip! Activities in Perhentian Island excess you a lot of energy but it was fun to create a memorable moment. Basically it was limited to scuba diving, snorkeling, sea-kayaking, sunbathing and turtle conservation volunteer but when I was there I was enjoy with the such activities and until now the moment is still in my head 

Seafood barbecue

In Perhentian Island there are some restaurants offer freshly caught seafood barbeque. You just need to choose which one do you prefer the most. The prawns are mind bogglingly and all fishes were so fresh and it taste sweet with a barbecue and black pepper sauce.  You just imagine having a barbecue with your clique or even family under the night sky at the beach. Don’t you think this activity will complete your trip? 



The barbecue will be going like this and look at that, I have captured the sunset moment
when our barbecue finished

Sea Kayak

When you do Kayak you can take off for a while and enjoying yourself
feel the best view of underwater. Here is the picture if me get of out of the Kayak just to touch the
sand. Look at the water, it is so clear that you see through everuthing in the beach

From my past experience sea kayak is the best way to discover more beautiful beaches that you cannot walk around Perhentian island by your own or in a group. This activity was a bit adventure where you need to put a lot of energy to do kayak but it will treasure you a splendid moment. By doing kayak,  if you feel tired just stop for a while and enjoy the view around you and jump into the beach for a minutes just a quick time dip to cool off your body. Enjoy doing this once you get there people!


Snorkel is the best activity that I ever did in Perhentian Island. As the water just like a mirror and you actually can see the entire exotic living thing from your boat. Imagine if you are in the water feeding the fishes and touch the corals by your own. I suggest you to do half days snorkel trip and get the locals to take you to the best reefs. Once you get there, take off from the boat and do snorkel and take it all in. If you’re lucky you will find turtles and also harmless reef sharks. 

                             This is the video of me doing snorkeling in Perhentian Island
                                                               Amazing right? This is the place where you can 
                                                                            capture the best moment in your life 

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